Monday, October 26, 2009

Jesus Links

Was Jesus Divine?

Did Jesus Have to Die?

John Calvin's Heresy: Jesus Suffered in Hell

C.S. Lewis on God Begetting (Yea! Google book's in the first part of the hopefully-directly-linked-to "Good Infection")

I would also recommend C.S. Lewis's book The Great Divorce to anyone who hasn't read it. The reason being that portrays a very different-and to me, agreeable-portrait of Hell; the Valley of Death, and the ways in which we separate ourselves from God/God's Love.


  1. In the Gospel of Satan it is quite clear that Jesus (Yeheshua) is at least a demigod ("godson"). There is no mention of his suffering when entering the Underworld.

  2. There are so many curiosities surrounding your comment...but thanks for commenting. Perhaps it was in those moments prior to death Jesus Christ suffered not only the immense physical pain of crucification but the crushing sensation of separation from God as he took on the weight of humanity's sins so that He might be borne down to Hell and enter into Satan's realm so that he could triumph over it.
